Nobody Trusts a Warriner...
I've always loved a series. I hate saying goodbye to characters and delight in colliding with them again in different books. However, I...

Defeating the Speckled Monster
The deadly disease smallpox had been feared by man for thousands of years by the 1800s, and rightly so. It was highly contagious,...

Miss Bradshaw's Bought Betrothal
I think every girl dreams of Prince Charming. The idea that one day the perfect guy for you will sweep you off your feet and you will...

Lady and the Tr-revor
For a few weeks now I have had a suspicion that Trevor is That Age. I won’t sully your mind with descriptions as to how I know this,...

My Perfect Hero
I’ll happily admit it. My favourite Regency hero of all time is Mr Darcy. Bizarrely I love his aloof stiffness. I love it because you...

A Total Shambles- Dog Style
I’ve been feeling pretty good about myself lately. Not in an overt, boasting kind of way, you understand, as that wouldn’t be British....

19th Century ‘Hysteria’ and … (ahem) Medicinal Masturbation
Yes. You did just read the words ‘medicinal masturbation’ although it certainly was never called that in the 19th century! But more of...

The Right First Impression
‘Jack Markham, lately christened the Earl of Braxton, brought his horse to a stop on the brow of the hill just as the first rays of the...

Write What You Know, they said...
For years I had a dream of being a proper writer. One who wrote actual books which could be bought in bookshops and which real people...

The Age of Agony: a beginners guide to 19th century surgery
Surgery in the early 19th century usually meant a death sentence. It was the last resort and never undertaken lightly. Statistics from...