When lifelong insomniac Virginia Heath was a little girl, she made up stories in her head to help pass the time while she was staring at the ceiling. She did this every night for over forty years until one day, she decided to embrace the insomnia and start writing them down. Now, to her absolute delight and utter astonishment, her slightly racy Regency Romcoms are published in many languages across the globe.
When she isn't furiously writing romance fuelled on far too much English tea, she likes to travel to far flung places, shop for things she doesn't need and drag her long suffering husband and her devoted Labrador Trevor on long walks around her native London.
And in case you were wondering, four Romantic Novel of the Year Award nominations and thirty-two books later, it still takes Virginia forever to fall asleep.
Read her daily witterings in her Headstrong Hellions Facebook group